3 Mechanisms to Combat Wage Theft and [Enforce Civil Consequences]
I recently presented oral argument at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Veronica Danielson v. Megan Brennan, et al, No. 17-35928....
3 Arguments for A [Professional] Jury System
As a civil trial attorney, I understand better than most, the dog and pony show that a trial by jury actually is. Lawyers understand that...
3 Workplace Torts [Legal Claims] and Statutory Tunnel Vision
A fact that every attorney working in employment law knows, or should know, is that by and large most employment in the United States is...
50/50 [Joint] Employers in Washington State
The proliferation of large entities contracting and subcontracting their hiring to staffing agencies has surely streamlined, and made...
Seattle City Council Votes 8-0 to Let Uber Drivers Unionize [Only a First Step]
As reported in a New York Times article (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/15/technology/seattle-clears-the-way-for-uber-drivers-to-form-a-u...
3 Things You Should Know About Your Employment [Contract]
In times past, employment contracts have been reserved primarily for key executives of an organization, but the workplace has evolved....
40+ Hour Weeks [Wage and Hour Violations]
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), covered employers who permits or requires an employee to work over time is required to pay...