Maternity Discrimination: Understanding Your Rights and How to Take Action
Welcoming a child into the world should be one of the happiest times in a person’s life. Unfortunately, for many, this period can also...

How to Write an Effective Legal Fact Pattern: A Step-by-Step Guide
A fact pattern is a narrative that presents the relevant facts of a case in a logical and chronological order. It serves as the backbone...

Navigating Challenges with Paid Family and Medical Leave: Discrimination, Retaliation, and Your Rights
The Washington State’s Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) law is designed to support employees during critical times. Unfortunately, a...

The Importance of Free Consultations in Employment Law
At Stockwell Law Firm, we understand that navigating employment law can be daunting. This is why we offer free consultations to help...

Workplace Discrimination Guide (in WA) for the Non-Lawyer
Understanding Discrimination Law in Washington State: A Practical Guide At Stockwell Law Firm, we know that navigating workplace...

The 1 (and Only) Reason your Company is Offering you Severance
Whether you've been terminated, laid off, or even resigned, it's fairly normal for your company to offer you a severance package. If...

(Before and After) The 2 Most Important Times to Contact an Employment Lawyer
It's not surprising that I deal with people every day that are leaving their employment. Sometimes, they're being illegally terminated...

3 (Common) Types of Attorneys' Fee Agreements
When I'm on-boarding clients during consultation or follow-up calls, I spend a lot of time talking about the strengths and weaknesses of...

(Wrongful) Termination 1, 2, 3!
People call me all the time and tell me that they've been wrongfully terminated. As with most things, the colloquial use of a word or...

![The #1 Best Professional Camouflage for Discriminatory [Wrongful] Terminations](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6f5d68_8de615885d834956a3ea01f0d245c851~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_728,h_504,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/6f5d68_8de615885d834956a3ea01f0d245c851~mv2.webp)
The #1 Best Professional Camouflage for Discriminatory [Wrongful] Terminations
Despite record low unemployment numbers in the United States, one sector, tech, appears to be in the midst of a herd culling. Since going...